International Tabernacle of Prayer  is Non-denominational Church that believes in Jesus Christ as the way to God. We believe in God the Trinity, and the gifts of the holy spirit for the children of God. We believe in the love of God that brings Healing. International Tabernacle of Prayer is a Pentecostal church, located in Connecticut. The church is full of members who are ready to step out in force, inspired and spiritually armed by Reverend Felix Siaw to help others in their communities and across the world. Men comprise 45% of the total congregation, which is unusually high. The church brings together the down-and-out, the homeless and released offender to sit beside the up-and-coming, the celebrity and the community leader. They worship and serve together in one or more of the 10 different ministries within the church, including outreach, and homeless outreach.

Senior Pastor and son

Message from Reverend Felix Siaw

Welcome to Our Church. With a heart and a vision to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ we go out to the streets and the remote areas of our community to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the needy the hopeless and the lost.

Our prayer for you is that the God of all grace anoints you with fresh oil and His precious Spirit illuminates the Word as you read. May He empower you to effectively communicate to others the vibrant hope that He has given you to persevere the struggles that you have overcome and continue to overcome. Furthermore, I pray that your home be a reflection of the joy and peace that God has promised to all of His children who follow Him. We bless your children, the fruit of your body. We speak life into your marriage, your ministry and your mission. As you lie down at night we pray for more than sleep. We pray for rest. Rest in Him and arise refreshed for we need you. Your prayers, your support and your love are important to us. So we pray you will



To provide a solid foundation of Bible-based instruction, equipping our members to preach and teach the Gospel, while abiding by the laws of the country where the church is located.


(a).To preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people
(b). To produce dedicated and committed Christians ready for the work of God
(c). To go to Heaven to hear Jesus Say, “Well done, good and faithful servant”


(a). That God Almighty is the one and only true God.
(b). That He is three-in-one, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and Creator of all nature.
(c). That Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary is the only begotten son of the Father
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