Woman to Woman centers on relationships between women, whether it is mother to daughter, sister to sister, or friend to friend.  Emphasis is also placed on wholesome interaction with the significant male counterparts in our lives.   It is strategically designed to touch, empower, include, involve, and encircle every woman of The Potter’s House.

Every woman who is a member of The Potter’s House is automatically a member of Woman to Woman.  She participates in Woman to Woman by giving back to the church either financially or by volunteering her services in other ministries such as Ushers, Greeters, the Children’s Ministry, or another labor of love within The Potter’s House.

Woman to Woman offers quarterly forums where First Lady Jakes hosts prayer gatherings or where she, or other esteemed speakers, address topics such as relationships and health.  Additionally, under the Woman to Woman umbrella, there are two different ministries established to serve the women and young ladies of The Potter’s House.  They are The Debutante Program (Alumnae; Core and Junior Debutantes), and God’s Leading Ladies Life Enrichment Program.   The following pages give you a brief description of each of these ministries as well as the crowning delight of a Dream Team that serves as an anointed extension of First Lady Serita Jakes’ leadership. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! (Psalms133:1)